Showing posts with label CASCADE Art Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CASCADE Art Tutorials. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2022


I woke up excited this Saturday morning as this would be the very 1st Face-to-Face Saturday Art Classes that we will have since 2019.  We were supposed to launch the 1st class on March 2019, but pandemic occur.  We were not able to launch our school and the author just continued developing programs and learning materials for our website.  You will find useful lessons through our Free Art Lesson tab.  
Learning on your own, without a mentor or someone to critique your work is difficult.  As a learner, you would appreciate the guidance of an art teacher.  Though art maybe innate for our children, having a teacher speeds up the process of learning.
We always wanted to develop the skills of children and adults in creative arts.  But many of the offered classes are quite expensive.  And so we tried to trim down the cost of having a class by taping our friends to share their abode as venue for classes.  Luckily, Ms. Leslie Esternon helped us by opening her doors for our learners.  
The families or the parents will also spend more buying art materials.  But as a learned artist, we know that it is very essential to understand our materials first before we buy expensive branded products when we can secure less expensive art materials through bulk orders.  This is one of our strategies to lower the cost of the classes.  Thus, as part of our two-days session, we already added the handouts, drawing materials and the 2-days workshop session at Leslie's place.  
The first live class started on October 22, 2022, 2 p.m. until 4 p.m.  We had 10 students, four of which are teenagers and six are from age 8 to 10 years old.  The younger children are guided by Ate Rose and the teens are guided by Lolo Rey.  It was fun and they were given assignments so that they will be able to learn practice what they learned.  Here are some of the shots for the 1st day...

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

FREE ART LESSON #7: Portraiture or drawing faces: Freehand Drawing (Simple and Easy to follow steps)

 We had a three-day vacation last Saturday until Monday (August 27 to 29, 2022).  We went to a place where there's no data or wifi, and the cottage that we rented have no TV programs.  What we have are open cabanas, videoke, and a large pool.  We indeed enjoyed our stay and was able to relax because there's no internet that would occupy us, so we spent so much time bonding with family members.

This was my output during the said outing

Whenever I don't feel like swimming, I spent time doing freehand drawing.  And so our topic for today, is how you can draw a portrait, without having rulers, or grid lines but just a reference.  This approach is a freehand drawing.  Usually, if there are no scales, it is quite difficult to find where to place the parts of a face.  But with this simple guide of using circles, and shapes, you'll find it easy to draw faces.  

I have included a video at the latter part of this article.  I promised the video owner,, that I'll acknowledge him.  Check out his channel and you'll get useful tutorials on drawing.


This will be our reference photo:

   Step 1:  First, draw a circle, which is our guide for the upper portion of the face.  If you will visualize a skull, the upper part of the head is spherical in shape. 

 Step 2:  Now find the location of eyes, nose and lips.  Cut horizontally the circle by placing a very light line.  This will be the upper lid of the eyes or where you place the brows.  If your reference picture is looking sideways, about 45 degrees, then the vertical line guide for the nose would be about 1/3 of the circle.  Draw two smaller circles for the eyes socket and a slim pear-shaped for the nose.  Take note, the end of the nose may be very close to the lower outline of the circle. 

Draw the lower shape of the face, which is the chin.  The mid line of this shape would be the place for the mouth.  Draw a line at the mouth's opening, and the upper lip and lower lip to follow.  

You may now proceed with erasing some parts of the head that you feel is not needed; determine now the exact shape of the face by outlining with heavier marks.
 Since one ear is showing, draw its outline.  Usually, the upper part of the ear starts under the brows and ends at the end of the nose.

Step 3:  Proceed with detailing.  Draw the eyes as to how you see it.  Followed by the nose and lips.  If you are distracted with the references, you can erase it as soon as you are able to achieve the exact shapes and details of the face.

 It is not necessary that you follow the guidelines as you draw.  If you feel that there are slight changes to make it look exactly as the photo, do change the parts.  It is advisable that you draw using light stroke first before you finalized the lines or parts of your drawing.

 For the hair, find the center where the hair parted.  Usually, the hair flows out of the sphere borders.  Use curves as to how the hair flows out.  Do not shade it yet.

 When you are able to fine the details, you may now use darker and heavier strokes for finishing the face outlines.

Step 4:  Shading - Now that you see how the face appears, erase all sketches or guides and clean up the face.  Then shades the eyes, lips, hair and other shadows.  Get the exact hue of shades so as to develop a 3D appearance or to put life to your drawing.  Highlights can be achieved by lifting out shades using your eraser.

Watch the video below to see how it's being done by the artist.  We hope you learned from this free tutorial.  Please like or follow and share to your friends.  

Saturday, June 11, 2022

It's S-ART-urday!!! (Basic requirements in painting - Brushes)

Hello young artists, art enthusiasts, fellow artists and art aspirants.  I hope you are looking forward to another creative Saturday Art activity.

I have to work on two (2) paintings, one commissioned and the other is already purchased.  I just wanted to improve the latest before delivery to its new home.   I started cleaning my corner studio (because it is just a mini space in our garage) and got inspired by a hashtag I've thought of at the spur of the moment ---  it is #sARTurday.


As many of my friends know, I have a regular work from Monday to Friday and it's only during weekends and holidays that I get to do my painting.  Since the pandemic, I was not able to devout time building on the first initiative that we started when we had our CartWheel exhibit.  Now that the pandemic has been lifted, I see hope to continue this endeavor so that we can share our talents.

So now, every Saturday, we will have art moments.  Maybe I can start sharing lessons learned every Saturday, and how I pursue my art interest.  If you wish to join me, you can subscribe to my blog and you'll receive updates below.  We can also have 30 minutes #sARTurday sessions or art classes via zoom.  I'll prepare my studio, the lessons and the time so that it'll be at the most convenient time.  We invite Filipino children, as the medium of our classes would be in "Filipino" or "Tagalog".  Are you joining?  If yes, please send me a message using the "contact form for inquiries" found at the bottom of this page.

I am continuously learning as an artist.  I watch videos that would help me improve.  For today, let me  share this video by Kevin Hill, which I think would be helpful in starting up as an acrylic painter.  Then later, I will share as well what I did so that you can apply it at a smaller scale.  You've already seen my studio above as I shared with you my space which serves as my studio, my collection of brushes, and acrylic paints.  You don't need a large area to become an artist.  We need our hearts to be bigger that our excuses.  

If you don't have adequate time to complete this video, you may click on the timestamp below to watch where you left at.  

1:17 oils vs acrylics - 3:40 Difference in bristles - 5:20 Easels - 6:30 Palettes - 7:34 Colors explained - 8:55 Spending time learning - 9:35 How to setup - 11:40 plein air painting - 12:00 Cleaning - 14:45 Mediums - 17:28 Varnish - 18:02 Palette knife - 18:19 Underpainting techniques - 19:05 Sketching - 19:50 acrylic over oil paint - 20:30 Canvases - 23:43 Not making mud - 25:20 Complementary colors & warm & cool colors colors - 26:58 Color mixing practice - 28:00 mistakes - 29:10 painting ideas - 30:27 perspective - 31:35 selling paintings - 32:50 the biggest challenge


At 3:40 of the video above, we have seen the different bristles. Let me share the brushes I use in doing acrylic painting.

Flat Blender Brush

I uses this flat blender brush for layering and blending soft acrylic paints.  Sometimes, keeping it dry, I uses it for softening top paint and for glossing mists and fogs in landscape painting. 
Flat Brushes
There are two (2) kinds of flat brushes I use.  One is with soft bristle and the one on top is with stiff bristle.  I uses this to create natural textured paint on landscapes or still life.  You can use these in spreading, and tapping paint on canvas.  Sometimes I uses the one above as dry brush for blending acrylic colors.

Pointed Rounded Brush

These brushes are ideal for creating petals, leaves, and even fine edges for trees or houses.  It stores a lot of paint on its bristles, thus ideal for tapping and pulling paint over the canvas.

Fan Brush

I have two (2) different sizes of fan brushes.  When working on large paintings, I uses the larger one.  But most of the time, I uses the smaller one.  Usually, I uses these for creating textured grasses.  It is originally designed to create texture.  However, when it is too wet, it clumps together.  Just ready a rag to wipe out excessive liquid when clumping happens.

Angled Filbert Brush

These brushes are suited to create close-up tree leaves, flowers, tall grasses, tree limbs, etc. Its angled bristles can be used to create many different angles, for almost endless brush stroke possibilities. 

Mop brush (black fibre) and stiff flat brush (green)

The Mop brush has larger bristles with a rounded edge for broad soft paint application as well as for getting thinner glazes over existing drying layers of paint.  By using this, it will not damage the lower layers of paint.  The flat stiff brush is ideal for creating thinner lines when run using the thinner side, or larger flat spread of paint.

Micro fiber filbert brushes

These are the smallest fibre brushes which I use for detailing.  These are perfect for final touches, example detailing close up tree leaves to flowers, seascapes and just about anything else. 

Custom Liner

The custom liner creates fine lines.  I usually use these when creating barks or branches of tree or pulling lines to create benches, walls, or just anything.  It carries a lot of paint and doesn't splatter when used.

Watch this to see how brushes are used.

Did you learn something today?  I hope you did!  Please do share your thoughts and keep our passion burning! 
    Rose Gob

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why you Should Join and How to Join an Art Group - Featuring ARTipolo Group, Inc.

You may ask, is it really necessary to join an art group? For me, yes. But make sure that the group you'll join will help you improve your craft and develop a positive mind. A healthy art group helps you get motivated and in return, provides you venue to help others become a good artist too. Read and Watch our feature for this month:

Last December 2021, we released the first part of our interview with Mr. Pol Mesina, Jr.  He is the current president of ARTipolo Group, a well-known artists' group that started in Antipolo city but have members coming from various parts of the country, and even from other parts of the globe.  

ARTipolo group is now on their 7th year.  It remained strong despite the challenges resulting from the differences of its members, as well as factors coming from outside the organization.

In this interview, you will learn about the group's objectives.  They are known for group exhibits and for having professional artist members.  They do have some new blood from students of arts and they keep their doors open to new art aspirants.  Behind each masterpieces, they extend their hands to less fortunates.  Portion of their art sales go to selected beneficiaries like Autism Society, Antipolo chapter, Tulay ng Kabataan, etc.

If you are new in the field of art, it would help if you join an art group like ARTipolo.  Having a family who understands and supports you will help you find your way.  Watch this video and learn more about the group. If you want to join the family, know that a family member cares and is accountable too with fellow artist members.  The passes is your sincerity.  Here's an introduction to the values and principles that guide this group.


Is this material useful?  Please comment below if you like this or send us an inquiry if you want to inquire about art tutorials.  Keep safe and keep your creative juices flowing!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Hello Creaative Schoolers!  You are Soooo COOL!  Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you are learning a lot from our featured artists and topics.

Today, let us study how to do paintings using oil pastel.  Do you know that soft oil pastel can be very versatile and can produce textured paintings?  The challenge with oil pastel is you need to find really good quality colors and not the hard wax-type colors.   So to help you find a good material to start drawing, we looked online to find affordable materials.  I'll be naming here a few so that you'll not find it hard to buy one.

Let us start learning by understanding the materials.


Oil pastels are hardened pigments using oil as its base.  There are soft pastels, which are like chalks, but we are using the oil pastel that we commonly use at school to produce vibrant drawings.

The advantage of using oil pastels is that you don't need medium or any liquid in using it.  But if you want to thin in out, you may use cotton buds dipped on oil to spread it.  It is also very easy to keep and store it since it is dry.  Before, I keep it on its original box but when the oil pastel got very short because of constant use, I bought a plastic container with dividers.  You may also use food keepers with compartments.  It is advisable to separate the colors because it will become dirty if you keep it all together.  Though you have the option to wipe it clean with tissue prior to its use.

I am working on a landscape using oil pastel.  I tried it instead of using my usual acrylic paint because it is easier to carry when I am traveling or when I am working.  Sometimes, I get the urge to draw during in-between work breaks.

With regards to the brand, the best quality oil pastel is really expensive.  Holbein and Sennelier are usually used by professionals.  They are much more buttery and have smooth consistency.  The price of Holbein is about PHP 2,400.00 for a 24 pieces color set.  Sennelier is way expensive, which is about PHP 4,756.00 for a 24 pieces color set.

Now, don't despair.  If you are a beginner, you can still produce good quality paintings using much cheaper oil pastel but still has bright colors.  I suggest that you start with a Pentel oil pastel, which cost only about PHP 270.00 for a 36 pieces color set.  Another option is using Sakura Junior oil pastel set, which is a bit higher, PHP 300.00 for a 24 pieces color set.  

Since I've been using a lot of these oil pastels, I now have a mix collection of oil pastels with Sakura and Pentel brand in it.  The good thing about Sakura is that you can buy each color separately.  I usually consumed "white" fast.  So I bought a box of white Sakura, 12 pieces in a box.


Drawing paper can be used for oil pastel drawing.  However, the oil in the color seeped to the paper and if you want to preserve the painting or drawing, it can be very risky because it may bleed on the paper.

I use pastel paper or board because it has better absorbing quality and it has differing surface.  I side is smooth and the other side is textured.  To give added quality to the painting I use the textured side.

You may also use canvas but it's a bit harder for me because the canvas has less tooth or texture to hold the oil pastel.  There's a higher tendency as well to crease the painting when the canvas get removed from its mount. As experienced, the pastel paper or pastel board is the best option.


You may want to buy a Wax Roll of paper, which is usually used for food keeping.  I use it to cover my oil pastel drawing or as divider when I draw on pads.  This will protect your painting or drawing from bleeding or transferring on other sheets.


For oil pastel, I use cotton buds or paper blending stump.  With cotton buds, you can actually thin out the oil pastel if you add linseed oil on it.  However, the cotton absorbs too much pigment.  Another option is the use of a blending stump.  The good thing about it is it absorb less pigment from the oil pastel and it can be used for finer details in the drawing.  Use whichever you are comfortable with.


Now that you have all the tools or materials, let us proceed learning how to use oil pastel for drawing.

My reference photo is shared to us by another member of Let's Paint group.  Thanks to Sir Norbing Villez for sharing it.  The photos of painting sample I have here is still a work in progress.

Step 1 - Using your reference, make a sketch of your drawing subject.

Step 2 - First layer of color for your base.  You may use water color or chose a pastel paper with colors already.

Step 3 - I usually start with the foreground.  Others start with the main subject.  The reason why I start with the foreground is because I want my subject to be layered on top of the background.  Find where you are more comfortable.

Step 4 - Finalize the details of your painting as you layered colors upon colors.  


I think you'll learn more by watching these demonstrations I gathered from YouTube.  Let us focus on LANDSCAPE painting or drawing as an exercise. (The two (2) succeeding videos are not mine but we included their link here to directly acknowledge the owners.) 

Allow me to introduce Mr. POL MESINA, JR. president and  one of the senior members  of ARTipolo Group.  You'll meet him next week when we release his feature interview.  I am sure you will learn a lot from him as he shares how he started in arts and how art helped him support his family as a full-time artist. 

But first, let us watch how he demonstrated this on-the-spot painting using oil pastels and nothing else.  He started with no sketch and directly applied raw colorings as guide for his painting.  He then layered the oil pastel and blended them. Lastly, he worked on the details of the central image, which are the trees.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

ARTipolo Group President, Mr. Pol Mesina, Jr.

This video interview happened on the last week of August 2021. But unfortunately, I was infected with Covid19 and failed to upload it earlier. Thanks be to God for the healing and complete recovery. Now, I can resume my blogging activity, which serves as my way to share lessons learned from fellow artists.

I feel that many would benefit from Mr. Pol Mesina, Jr.'s story as with how he started his endeavor in arts. He was patient, generous to share his gifts, and hold strong to this noble profession as an artist. Like other artist aspirants, it was not an easy journey. The regularity of income was one of the challenges. But when he was able to hone his gifts, he discovered the "flow" and soon enough, he was sailing towards his artistic goals.

This video comes in two parts. Part 1 tells more about his beginning. Part 2 tells us about ARTipolo group, how it started and what is its objectives. You cannot separate ARTipolo Group from Pol. Not just because he's the founding president of the group, but because he has committed to sustaining this group for the benefit of new and incoming artists.

Sir Pol, as we call him also started his art training from a master artist, Mr. Fernando Sena. I too learned so much from Mr. Sena. As you watch this video, you'll learn how master Sena left a mark on Sir Pol.  

After watching the video and reading the blog, please feel free to share. We give you this free recorded interview to learn from. We don't ask money to sustain this endeavor. But we hope you'll help us spread and pay-it-forward to other people. Art is not just for the young, but for all ages.

In the end, we give glory to our creator. To God be the Glory!

Friday, July 23, 2021

How to Draw Alive-Looking Eyes

If you want to learn how to draw faces and portraiture, one key to make it captivating and real is by drawing the eyes realistically or making it alive.  The eyes are windows to our soul or emotions.  Even through drawing, being able to draw a  captivating eye can change the appearance and impact of your work.

When I started learning how to draw portraiture, I practiced a lot on the eyes of the subject.  I experimented and finally, I learned how we can possibly draw alive looking eyes.  There are several materials online to learn how to draw beautiful looking eyes.  So I curated some here for different levels of learning.  

Remember, you will not grow if you don't practice.  So with these materials, I advise you get your tools and find a perfect place to start drawing.  

Drawing Eyes for Beginners

The following video illustrates an easy way of drawing eyes starting from a circle.  This video exhibits outlines and not much on shading.  Thus, as a beginner, you'll be able to produce eyes that may lack details.

Advance Art Tutorial - Drawing hyper realistic eye

The next video takes longer but the end product is much better.  This will teach you more details on shaping the eye and using the right amount of shading for pencil drawings. 

As you have seen from the video, you need to layer the shading starting from light to darkest.  To add more value and make it realistic, take notice of the highlights or how the artist lifted off some of the granite to reveal the white light.  Always consider where the light falls in your drawing.  Train your eyes to see the details of lighting.

Painting Realistic Eye

You may now have the urge to learn how to add colors to your artwork.  The following video is a time-lapse but would still give you idea on how to paint realistically looking eyes.  The medium used in this video is oil paint. Oil paint doesn’t dry quickly and needs longer time to finish. If you are going to use oil paint, you need to be patient and don’t rush your work.

Take notice of the process.  Different from using graphite, the artist started with dark background to build on the foundation of his painting.  Then little by little he layered the lighter colors and used fine brushes to shape and add volume to his painting.  The final touches uses tutanium white for highlights.  He also uses clean dry brushes for softening parts that he wanted to blend.  The good thing with oil paint is that you can blend colors well using linseed oil even after a day or two. The colors are brighter as well and blending is much easier compared to acrylic. When acrylic dries, you can no longer blend it.  With acrylic, you have to work on wet-on-wet.

After watching these videos, it inspires me to start working on my art.  I hope that through these materials, you are able to learn some tips on how you would work on your "Eyes".

Now here are other references related to this post:
* From Art Rocket  Easy Tips for Drawing Eyes
* From Marvin Todd's pin in Pinterest - Drawing Eyes

Wednesday, July 14, 2021



In February 2021, I had the privilege to meet Mr. Norbing Villez, the founder of Let's Paint Group on FB via an online interview.  It was only now that I found time to post his feature. One of his paintings, "Tampisaw Series" painting number 1has caught my attention. I asked him if I can buy it but not with outright payment because I can't afford it with my meager salary. And I was surprised that he agreed to let me pay on three (3) scheduled terms. Maybe because he saw how much I liked his work and that I am sincere with my promises to pay. Hahaha!

The "Tampisaw" series became successful. Maybe because he does it without the intent of selling. He just loves the subject, which is his daughter. His paintings were also featured in a book and he has produced more than five (5) paintings under this series.

Mr. Norbing may seem like an outgoing and fun-loving person. However, he appears to be very shy during the interview. He works abroad and stays there with his family. Painting is not his main source of income but his rest venue. He paints because it is close to his heart. He takes care of his family and exposes them to art as well. His wife, also once been a part of a women exhibit in the Philippines. Mr. Norbing is also an active member of ARTipolo group, where I am an active member as well.

This month's feature, I'll be sharing with you his interview. You'll find him very humble and very willing to share his talent with many aspiring artists. Watch it and find out what I mean. For now, it is in Filipino. I will find time to translate it into English. Just click on the video below to view.

Thank you for watching the video.  Now here are some of his works and tips on how we can improve on our work.  If you want to learn his skills in doing pastel painting, he shared on his FB account some snips or video clips of his works.

The clips below are posted on his account.  Click on the image so that you can view how he finished this Koi painting.

This photo shows how he started painting the Koi.  

I mentioned earlier about his work being featured on a book. Here's the screenshot of his feature.

Check out this step-by-step photos on how he worked on Pebble Picking painting.

He made a sketch of the sitting girl.  Moving forward, he worked on the fine details of the central subject, moving-out to the background and fine details to complete the entire piece.

Click on this clip to see how he worked on the painting's details.

And here's how he worked on his "Tampisaw S6".

Follow Mr. Norbing Villez at his FB Account NORBING VILLEZ.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Upcycling is a Creative and Fun Activity for our Children

 It took us a long time to post new learning materials here. But I get obliged to share this article to help us cope with the long-lasting impact of the pandemic.  Allow me to share this craft activity that you can do with your children.

Our natural resources are dwindling and we need to help our earth recover and revive. To do that, we can tap on our creative minds and produce another product from the trash. We call this "upcycling".  I have heard of some industries earning much from upcycled materials. For example, google search "bags made of tarpaulin" and you'll get bags sold through Lazada, and from Freitag. The tarpaulin is very sturdy. If you have an eye for design, it will not be hard to produce a saleable upcycled bag.

Now, for our children let us make this simple but useful bath scrub for our backs. It is easy.

What you will need are net bags made of plastic.  These net bags were used to contain garlic. You may also use plastic net bags that were used to pack oranges or lemons.

Clean the net packaging materials and cut it into 1 single sheet so that it will be easy to fold.  Now get a string, or thick thread and a needle or crochet hook.  Use whichever is handy for you.  

Fold the net lengthwise.  Try if it's thick enough.  Usually, I do four-folds.  Then stitch it using the thick thread you found or knit it at the center so that it will not spread wide.

On both ends, seam the corners together and add a loop so that you can hold both ends.  Since I know how to crochet, I thickened the holder through knitting.  You may use ropes or other forms of thick handle for the ends.

Now, your back scrubber is finished!

 From this... this.

Sunday, February 14, 2021


We have introduced to you a proficient and well respected artist, Ms. Corazon G. Patarata before the launch of CASCADE.  Now, we are featuring her once again as she shares her latest works with us. She has contributed well to our fund raising for CASCADE Art Studio and without her help, we would have found it difficult to sustain our activities.  For this month of February, allow me to introduce to you Ate Cora as we call her.

Ms. Patarata painted this bag when I asked her to share her talent for the sake of helping people with needs.  She willingly and excitedly acted on my request and has produced this pretty hand-painted bag, designed with the birds of paradise flowers.  This bag went to Ms. Michelle Diwa, who highly appreciated Ate Cora's works.

Latest work of Ms. Patarata
Bright Morning. acrylic on canvas. 24 in.high x 18 in wide. 2021

     61 years old, with an earlier 20-year experience as a diplomat, is a self-taught artist, who works with watercolors, oil pastels and acrylic paints, in a modern realist-impressionist style. Her subjects are flowers, landscapes, marine life, famous landmarks and monuments, heavenly bodies, and angels, and sometimes there are human figures included in her picture compositions.  Two articles about Cora’s painting career, penned by Babeth Lolarga, were published by Verafiles.Org and circulated in Yahoo News: “A Former Diplomat’s Sojourn Into Painting”, published on 30 May 2014; and “The Traveller As Painter”, published on 20 January 2017. Souce:

     Patarata is with the Antipolo-based artists’ group ARTipolo that has the Hemophilia Association of the Philippines for Love and Service as permanent beneficiary for all its exhibits. This self-taught vignette painter admires Amorsolo. “I aspire to someday learn his techniques with light and shadows.”Among the Renaissance artists, she singled out Rembrandt for the sensitivity of his human figures, Tintoretto for his lights and shadows, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gaugin and Vincent Van Gogh for their colors and brushstrokes.

     Of the moderns, she likes John Singer Sargent “for the emotional impact of his paintings,” Frida Kahlo “for her use of Nature as symbols for human emotions,” Miro “for his joyful and playful abstract renditions” and Norman Rockwell “for portraying scenes of everyday life that everyone can relate with.” 

     Now that she is doing what fulfills her, she calls painting “an essential part of me. Painting is something I owe to my Maker and to the people around me.Through the process, I enjoy many good feelings in heart and spirit.Painting is like praying. It is like a cleansing and uplifting process.”

     The following are Ms. Patarata's works.  If you are a collector or an Art enthusiast, you may want to avail one her works, which is posted in our Gallery Shop.     Check it out now!

"A Place For Healing", acrylic on canvas, 24 inches high x 30 inches wide, 2021.       


About Rose Gob

My photo
Hello! Thank you for reading my blog. I am Rose Gob, a Knowledge Management expert, a seasoned HR and OD practitioner, an artist and an educator by heart. I have created three (3) blogs to share articles in the field of creative arts, cooperative, social enterprise industry. But among these blogs, I write more for my art blog, During the pandemic, I was able to populate my blogs with various topics. But now, I realized that I need to focus. I hope you will give me feedback for topics that you want to learn. Send me questions and I'll try my best to answer your questions. Again, thank you for reading and please do check my blogs often. Have a great day!